Kyrgyzstan at a glance
Kyrgyzstan is located in the Tien Shan Mountains. The total area of the country is 199,951 km2. More than 90% of the country lies above 1,500 meters above sea level. The air size is equal to double the size of South Korea. Due to the mountainous terrain, only 20% of the land can be used for agriculture. About 40% of the territory is occupied by glaciers and eternal snow. There are more than 3,000 rivers on the territory of Kyrgyzstan, which have great potential for hydropower production.
August 31, 1991, was established the independence of the Kyrgyzstan Republic from the USSR. As of 2021, the President of Kyrgyzstan is Sadyr Nurgojoevich Japarov. The form of government in the country is presidential. The country has a unicameral parliament.
199, 900 km2
language and religion
The official language is Kyrgyz. The Russian language has the status of official language.
In the Kyrgyz Republic, everyone is guaranteed the right to religious freedom as well as atheistic belief. The majority of the population professes Islam (92%), about 7% of the citizens are Christians. There are also representatives of other religious confessions in Kyrgyzstan.
Male life expectancy
Female life expectancy
unemployment rate