The holy book Koran was sent to the Prophet Muhammad through the Archangel Gabriel (in Islam Jibreel), who transmitted parts of the Koran within 23 years. During Muhammad’s lifetime, a written record of the Koran was not necessary, as any questions could be answered directly by the Prophet. But in times of the caliphs (a political-religious successor of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad), started to appear first differences of opinion. That’s why on the instruction of the third Caliph, Usman (644-656), the former personal secretary of the Prophet, Zaid ibn Sabit, began to collect all records of the Prophet in the year 650, to unite them in one book. At the same time, four other assistants collected records, interviewed individuals, and wrote their text versions. Then all the texts were compared and summarized into a single recorded one, and all other drafts were burned to avoid disagreement. From that moment on, the Usman’s Koran is considered a sacred relic.
how koran of usman happen to be in tashkent?
In the 15th century, Usman’s Koran was brought to Samarkand. The story tells that the relic was part of the trophy of war that Tamerlane sent from his campaign from Basra to his capital.
Until 1868, the Koran was kept in Samarkand. In the course of the conquest of Samarkand by Tsarist Russian troops, the Koran was bought by Major General Abramov and transferred to Governor-General Konstantin von Kaufman in Tashkent, who presented the manuscript as a gift to the Imperial Library in St. Petersburg. The manuscript immediately became an object of study for Orientalists. After investigation, the scientists confirmed that the Koran was written in the 7th century on the territory of present-day Iraq.
In 1917, the Usman’s Koran was handed over to the All-Russian Muslim Council, located in Ufa ( Bashkortostan, Russia). Seven years later, the manuscript was brought back to Uzbekistan and kept for a long time in the History Museum of Tashkent. Only after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the relic was ceremoniously handed over to the head of the Uzbek Muslims by the first President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Islam Karimov. Since then, the Usman’s Koran has been exhibited in the Muy Muborak Madrasah.